Your Slide Buddy is here to help you succeed at presenting
– one slide at a time!

Presentation Tutorials, Tools and Design Tips for PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva and more ….

Healthy Food


Create amazing PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations.

Coming Soon



Techniques to help you deliver a great presentation.


Slide Library

Templates, slide masters, backgrounds and creatives.

Coming Soon

presentation image

Creative Presentations Unleashed

Slide presentations are a great way to get your point across in an engaging, professional manner.


Your Slide Buddy has expert tips on how to present your slideshow effectively and professionally. So whether you’re creating a sales pitch deck, presenting your teams latest achievements or just want some help with personal projects, Your Slide Buddy is here for you!


Feel that your slides boring or uninspiring? We provide hundreds of templates, including charts, diagrams, graphs, inforgraphics, timelines and annimations – all designed by professionals in the field of design to help to create presentations that are eye-catching and memorable.

Platforms and Software

But what if you don’t know which is the right tool for you? Don’t worry you’re not alone, the world of presentation software is vast and ever-changing. Whatever your tool of choice: PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva, Prezi, Keynote, Visme or the many others, our guides written by both staff and guest writers will help you deliver your message and story in style.